“I came to see Dr. Charlie after it was recommended by another doctor that I should have an MRI done because my pain (lower back) would not go away and I was using and needing a cane to walk in order to reduce the pain. On the first visit with Dr. Charlie, I was able to walk out of his office without the need of the cane and the severity of the pain was greatly reduced.
By continuing with the exercises suggested by Dr. Charlie my back pain has completely disappeared and life is back to normal without the worry of having a back operation to relieve my pain.”
- David McFarland
Natural Relief from Pinched Nerve Pain…

“I needed to speak with someone who could explain what I was going through. Physically I was experiencing upper back pain with certain motions, and was quite concerned about some loss of strength in my arms. My usual approach to perceived injury would be to augment my fitness routine until the issue resolved itself on its own. This time was different, and after talking with a few friends I was convinced I needed to speak with a professional. Dr. Charlie came highly recommended, and I am very grateful we were able to work together.
During my initial consultation I was immediately assured that what I was going through could be fixed. It didn't take long for the diagnosis, and the treatment was initiated right away. Physically, my symptoms started to improve after the first session. Dr. Charlie's treatment and instructions allowed me to begin my recovery mentally as well. Knowing that committing to consistent treatments and at home exercises would keep my recovery on track helped keep me focused on the plan Dr. Charlie prescribed. Two months later my symptoms are almost completely gone, and I am able to resume my normal physical activities. Thanks Dr. Charlie!!
- Chris Whitten
Knee Pain Vanished in 4 visits…

“When I came into PT&J, I had tremendous knee pain. I had trouble climbing stairs, getting out of my chair or even just walking. Within a few weeks of my first appointment, I had a tremendous recovery. The exercises and guidance not only got rid of my pain but also strengthened my whole exercise program. I’m more confident in my ability to train properly to prevent re-injury. Thank you Charlie!”
- Kate McManus
Spinal Stenosis Treatment That Works!

"I've had lower back spinal stenosis for over ten years and have gone to several physical therapists over this period. Dr. Johnson’s approach was substantially different from the other Physical Therapists I had previously seen. Dr. Johnson’s approach is to have an in depth discussion on your problems and how it effects your body and your life. He then customizes a schedule to remedy and in my case to reduce the pain, as best that can be accomplished through physical therapy. My doctors say only an operation might alleviate my problems, but the operation is risky and should be avoided, if possible. The other physical therapists that I have seen, take the Orthopedic’s analysis and provide a boiler plate schedule of exercises. That is, for spinal stenosis, the recommended list of exercises. Dr. Johnson added a number of exercises that I had not been shown before, which I believe have helped me more than just the cookie cutter stenosis exercises. My pain, mobility and quality of life have been improved following Dr. Johnson’s program. I will miss his novel and effective approach to physical therapy."
- Allen Rishe
Charlie Immediately knew what my issue was...

"I was rear-ended in August and was sent to physical therapy by my doctor. My neck was painful, my left arm felt dead, and I had a pain under my shoulder blade.
For six months, I went to physical therapy multiple times a week. I saw three different physical therapists in that time.
I was so frustrated by my lack of progress that I went to an orthopedic neck specialist. He did nerve tests and other tests and sent me back to physical therapy…that's when I met Dr. Charlie
My first session with Charlie, I was explaining the challenges I was having, but before I could finish, Charlie asked me if I could move my arm in a certain way…Charlie immediately knew what my issue was. He put together a regimen of exercises to begin working my nerves and muscles to help me get back to normal. He explained, in detail, physiologically why I was feeling a neck injury in my arm. He gave me ways to alleviate the symptoms when they appeared.
I worked with Charlie for 12 visits over the course of 3 months. 80% improved at discharge, I'm hoping to get to 100%... and to ensure that, Charlie has given me exercises to do at home and has been available for me to call if/when needed.
I didn't think I would ever get to this point based on how I felt, and I believe I did because of Charlie. I will be eternally grateful to him for his care during this challenging time and recommend him to anyone with an injury who wants to work their way back to health. He knows what he's doing and is really nice to work with.”
- Abigail S.
Full Motion In One Session
Last Monday, I re-injured my left meniscus. Sent me back to pain and limping. I lost my full range of motion again.
After my first treatment with Charlie, I knew he could help me, but what I did not expect was for him to maneuver my knee with his own hands and get me back into full motion in one session!
Once again, I am able to bend my knee all the way back and extend it 100%, too.
Charlie's talent for physical therapy is nothing short of amazing. He gives his very best in every session and pays attention as if I was his only patient. Besides an exceptional doctor, he is such a kind and caring human being.
I can't thank him enough… now I can live my life the way I was before the injury, and without surgery. Anyone who has injuries would be making a mistake not visiting this amazing doctor.”
- Andreas Aguilar
For Over 10 years- No one could help him...

"I’ve had sciatica in my right leg for over 10 years. I came to see Charlie at one of his workshops and was intrigued. After several visits of one-on-one PT, I’m showing significant improvement. Charlie’s attention to detail and patience is amazing! I highly recommend his services to anyone with back pain or sciatica.”
- Andy Rivenburg
Changed my life...

"Before I started working with Charlie, I was dealing with 2 straight months of excruciating Sciatica shooting down my left leg. I was unable to sit for more than a few minutes without major discomfort.
Charlie, right away, showed me some corrective exercises that within a couple of weeks alleviated my pain and allowed me to recover much quicker from the pain.
Months later, Charlie helped me to build a much stronger core, which will change my life forever. I’m grateful for all of his help through this experience and recommend him to anyone dealing with Back injuries!”
- Ayal K.
Sitting "indian style" again- Painfree

"I came to Charlie because I was experiencing pain and decreased mobility in my hips. Charlie worked with me and we created a plan if treatment and at home exercises that were reasonable and helpful.
Every once in a while I have some pain, but I know what to do, how to help myself, how to prevent further injury. Sounds silly, but just being able to sit “Indian-style” without pain is a big deal!
Thanks Charlie for partnering with me to help me reduce the pain and increase what I’m able to do.”
- Beth Fisher
feeling normal again

"Dr. Charlie Johnson is excellent to detail and understanding your needs and concerns. He thoroughly spends time with you and helps you understand where your pain is coming from. He is willing to work with you if you have multiple body parts that are giving you problems. Within four visits my range of motion in my shoulder was improved 100%. No pain in my mid back. My low back flexibility has improved tremendously. He uses Physical Therapy techniques as well as hands on manipulation. I highly recommend Dr. Charlie Johnson. Thank you for making me feel back to my normal self again!”
- Cheryl Mann
no fear of falling

"Charlie Johnson has been my physical therapist for some time now. He has been treating me for knee problems, as well as balance issues.
Charlie is an amazing young man. He starts our sessions with some motivational advice.
For a young person… he really knows how to get me charged up emotionally before beginning the actual treatment.
Balance issues can be very depression as they affect movement. But Charlie can turn this feeling into a positive result by showing me a few techniques to alleviate the problem.
Having used physical therapists for many years, this is the first time my therapist has taken a personal interest in my overall well-being. While this is not part of the curriculum for a professional, Charlie considers it his responsibility and undertakes it as an integral part of a cure.
His diagnosis and then his continued treatment of my knees and balance have resulted in major improvement in my daily life. My ability to walk now, without fear of falling, is a remarkable result of Charlie’s care and concern.”
- Bob L.
Back in control

"I've been working with Dr. Charlie for several months for TMJ, which I've had since I was a kid. He has helped me be able to manage the pain on my own, meaning I don't have to spend every week heading back to the office for treatments. He was very straight forward and able to tell me on day one, "this may help or may not, but let's try it and if not, we move on to something that does." I highly recommend working with Dr. Charlie and he offers a 45 minute, free consult; you can't beat that!"
- Cari Tongiani
training at 100%

"I was involved in a traumatic rollover car collision on May 7, 2015 and separated my left (AC) joint, where the shoulder blade attaches to the collarbone. Electing NOT to have surgery, my orthopedist and I decided that the AC joint injury could be identified and effectively treated by physical therapy. I chose to seek the help of physical therapist Charles Johnson, DPT nearly one week after my accident.
I came to Dr. Johnson with general shoulder pain and swelling, tenderness over the AC joint, loss of shoulder strength and motion, and a visible bump above the shoulder. Dr. Johnson worked with me and developed an individualized plan tailored to fit my condition, goals and busy schedule. After assessing my movement quality, Dr. Johnson developed a treatment plan to help me get back to 100% in 4-6 weeks.
In the early stages of treatment, he recommended therapeutic modalities including leukotaping, ice, and REST – which were hard for me because I am a very active individual. He then monitored my weight-lifting activities to maintain adequate strength and motion around the shoulder and taught me about the risks of pushing through pain. As I progressed, he was able to point out and correct movements to help me mobilize the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles as needed, to improve motion, flexibility and strength – and to maintain a pain-free shoulder! Exactly 5 weeks later, my shoulder is stronger than ever and I have safely returned to the gym training at 100%. Thanks Dr. Johnson!!!”
- Chris Johnson
doctor recommended

"I would recommend Charlie as a physical therapist without hesitation or reservation. I am a physician and would be expected to know more about medicine and orthopedics compared to the average person. As I started PT just two weeks ago, I was a trepidatious and concerned patient after having endured a complex bunion repair and hammertoe repair. Indeed, my foot appearance (and anatomy) bore little resemblance to my pre-surgical foot regarding which my surgeon informed me that he made “major anatomical changes.” My post-surgical and pre-PT time period was miserable. I had almost no movement in my newly designed foot. I harbored many fears and concerns about returning to a normal lifestyle in which I am very physically active. In two weeks, I have made progress that I could never have dreamt before I came under Charlie’s care. I have movement and even a relatively normal gait in just two weeks’ time! This has given me the confidence to utilize the exercises that Charlie has taught me during my own hours outside the therapy office. This has further accelerated my progress. I have been around the block and know the quality of physicians and physical therapists out there. There is something special about Charles. Not only does he undeniably have considerable knowledge and technical know-how, he also has a wonderful personal style (“bedside manner” if I might use the vernacular of my profession) which is very dynamic and adaptable to my anxieties, reservations, clear physical limitations, and fear of the unknown with respect to the future functioning of my left foot. The inextricably intertwined qualities of technical and hands on skills and his interpersonal upbeat and sensitive style makes him a valuable asset.”
- Dr. David Glaser, MD
Back To Gymnastics

Charlie was very kind and supportive. He helped me regain strength and motion in my shoulder after surgery.
He helped me to not only regain my strength and motion, but to reach my goal to get back to the strength I had before surgery.
He was very supportive the entire time and was one of the best physical therapists I have seen.”
- Delaney McCarthy
Painfree in 5 visits

“I first came to see Dr. Charlie Johnson with a crippling pinched nerve that was affecting my
neck and right arm.
I was in pain virtually every hour of the day. I couldn't turn my head to the right, I couldn't sit at a desk for more than a minute, and I had difficulty sleeping.
After just a few meetings with Dr. Johnson, the pain began to subside and my range of motion improved.
After just five visits, I was totally free of pain and my range of motion had improved substantially. I was given exercises at home which helped in my treatment. I returned all normal physical activity
totally pain-free.”
- Fran L.
no more cane... & no more limping!

“When I came to see Charlie I was very unhappy. I suffered a fractured femur in my left leg.
I spent 4 1/2 months in rehab where I had worn a 2 pound brace - at first for 24 hours a day. I was told they had taken me as far as they could and the rest would just take time.
I left rehab with a bad limp which I thought would be permanent and I was told to use a walker - I might never be able to use a cane.
Charlie has done an amazing job - he strengthened my left leg, helped me regain my balance, and now I can use a cane!
AND the limp is gone!
I feel he produced a miracle.”
- Fran S.
No more stubborn shoulder pain

“I went to see Dr. Charlie for shoulder pain. He really listened to what was causing me pain and took his time with determining the course of action. He gave me exercises to work on at home and we took a slow approach. This approach was just what I needed. Within 4 weeks I had my range of motion back and was pain free. Please go see Dr. Charlie. He will work with you to determine the best way to get you back up and moving.”
- Denise Hatfield
they told me i would never be able to raise my arm overhead again...

“I began seeing Dr. Johnson after my fourth shoulder surgery - with my surgeon telling me I would never put my arm over my head or throw again.
I am now able to put my arm over my head and moderately throw a ball.
I exceeded my surgeons expectations with Dr. Johnson's help.”
- Don Yeager
No more hip pain... I'm a believer

"I came to see Charlie because of my hip… going up and down stairs, sleeping & driving my car was painful.
I don’t have pain anymore.
I’ve never been to physical therapy before, but after seeing Charlie, I’m a believer!”
- Gary Small
Bye Bye Frozen Shoulder & back to life

“I came in with a frozen shoulder that was painful and uncomfortable. I was very limited in the movement my left shoulder and not able to do many daily activities without pain such as driving, especially backing up for parking, brushing my hair, putting on my clothes etc. I was
also limiting activities at work as a teacher - such as writing on the board and hanging the bulletin
After just a couple of sessions with Charlie, I was regaining movement and range of motion. Charlie was wonderful with giving good stretches and exercises to get the muscles moving. He was very professional and very thorough with making sure I was on the right track
with my therapy. He's very knowledgeable and able to massage and stretch my muscles around my shoulder to increase the movement.
Now after only five weeks, I'm able to have all the normal function in my shoulder and return to all of my everyday activities without pain.
I'm very thankful to Charlie for his help my road to recovery. I know that I'll be able to get back to waterskiing, as well as lifting objects with my full strength. Charlie was always both professional and personal making for a wonderful physical therapy experience and I would recommend him to anyone.”
- Gayle S.
Back to soccer without nerve pain

“When I first came to PT, I couldn’t run or play sports.
But now, after two months, I feel fine and I can’t wait to run and workout.”
- Gus
pain remarkably reduced

“Began seeing Dr. Charles Johnson in September 2014 for extreme neck and wrist pain.
At that time, I had difficulty sitting or driving for long periods, suffered from severe headaches and neck
pain on both sides and up to the base of my skull. I had difficulty turning my head more than 10-20° in each direction and stretching my neck at all. While driving, I had trouble turning my head to the
left or right. Additionally, I couldn’t lift or hold anything with my left hand.
At this time, I am able to drive much longer distances without pain and have much improved mobility in my neck and wrist. I now do exercise on the treadmill for 45 to 60 minutes three times per week, and I began to attend gentle yoga classes.
Charlie has worked with me on strengthening and relieving pain with a number of exercises, and I feel that I've improved a great deal and my pain is remarkably reduced at this time.
Charlie has always been very concerned and has been encouraging. I have seen remarkable improvement during the time I've seen Charlie for physical therapy.”
- Hannah Ganezer
no fear

Dr. Charles Johnson has been my therapist since June 19, 2015. I was very apprehensive about physical therapy as I had just had a spinal fusion and everyone had warned me about how delicate the spine is.
My experience with Dr. Johnson was very enlightening regarding my spine, and gave me the confidence to perform whatever he demonstrated and taught without fear of injury. He is kind, thoughtful, gentle, patient, and very professional. His knowledge of my condition has given me the confidence and motivation to regain all of my movements. I am so much stronger.”
- Jean T.
over 10 years of pain & numbness... gone

“I went to see Dr. Charlie Johnson because of pain and numbness down my right arm and my right hand. I had this problem for a long time, over 10 years, but it changed from occasional hand numbness to almost constant numbness. I also was relieved of head and neck pain! I went in in early May, and in only about 3 visits there was tremendous improvement, and in 6 weeks, I was vastly improved. The treatments, combined with exercises Charlie taught me, made such a difference. He will also help you identify the movements in daily life that cause these problems. I would highly recommend Dr. Johnson to anyone experiencing neck, shoulder, or back pain or limited movement in neck and joints.”
- Jodie Ritto
No more shoulder pain
- Dr. Marshall, MD
Highly recommend

"Dr. Charlie Johnson is awesome. He spent extra time to find the specific motions that were related to my injury and then worked with me to find exercises that I could use to strengthen those areas and keep active without further injury.
I highly recommend him to anyone in need of physical therapy.”
- John Henebry
98% improved in 3 visits

“I came in to see Dr. Charlie Johnson in the beginning of April with low back pain coming from a herniated disc.
After seeing him only three visits, I can probably say that I'm 98% better than I was when I started.
Before I came in, the pain was so bad I could barely walk; now it barely hurts.
Dr. Johnson is one of the best physical therapist that I've ever seen. Thanks for helping me get
back on the mound.”
- Joseph Risdall
never met a pt like him... back to playing tennis

"I am at the end of my physical therapy program with Charlie Johnson, and I want you to know that, while I've been to PT before, for three knee surgeries and shoulder surgery, I have never met a physical therapist like him. I had pain in my right hip and could barely walk. My doctor sent me for physical therapy and I went to a nearby clinic that I had used before. The therapist there diagnosed my hip pain as being caused by strained muscles in my buttock. I play doubles tennis four times a week with other senior women, so I trusted her judgment.
However, after one month of physical therapy two times per week, my progress was going nowhere.
It's very difficult for me to quit the program when I committed time to it and I've been in pain and wanted to get better.
But I decided to try Dr. Charlie Johnson.
When I met him, he diagnosed my hip pain as being caused by a compressed nerve, not a muscle, and then introduced me to a series of exercises that immediately started to give me relief. Over time, he tweaked the exercises to fit my needs better and to relate to tennis movements. Also, he constantly asked for feedback on my exercises - I thought that I was a partner with him and his knowledge of the body. He used some chiropractic and physical therapy movements, which I found innovative and creative. I feel that he targeted everything to my individual needs.
After one month I was well on my way to feeling better and more confident.
Today, after a month and a half of physical therapy, I'm completely free of pain and have full movement in my hip. I'm back to playing tennis again.
Charlie has provided an ongoing exercise program that I can easily accomplish as a warm up to the tennis and golf. I'm confident now that I understand why I was having hip pain and what I can do in terms of exercise and stretching to prevent re-injury. And if I do have hip pain, I know
I have the tools to relieve it. I have one easy, practical program to follow and I understand it.
Dr. Johnson is very easy to get along with and he has excellent communication and teaching skills so that you understand his approach to your physical problems. I'd highly recommend him as a physical therapist."
- Kathy Cashman
Back Pain gone in 4 visits

Back pain brought me to Charlie following CoreFit classes. CoreFit instructors recommended an evaluation. Initially my back and hips were stiff and I had pain bending to toes, right, and left.
Several sessions of stretching therapy with Charlie… Along with a home exercise program has helped with improving mobility and flexibility. I've noticed a vast improvement in my ability to move and participate in exercise classes and general daily activities.”
- Kathy Collins
Running farther than before...

"At the end of March 2017, I came to Dr. Charlie with a sprained right ankle. I had just gotten into running at the beginning of the year when I felt like I had finally started to hit my stride. What a bummer! My running coach said to me, "if anyone's going to be honest with you about when you can start running again, it's going to be Dr. Charlie!" He also got a ringing endorsement from my fiancé, and so I began my physical therapy sessions. Now, just about four months later, I can run up to 12 miles (farther than I ever have!) and I'm looking forward to running my first half marathon in December in Rehoboth. Thanks Dr. Charlie!”
- Katie Henebry
steering clear of shoulder surgery

“I have been to many PT’s over the years, but Dr. Charlie is exceptional! He’s knowledgeable, thorough, and truly committed to helping you. I first went to him for a frozen left shoulder. Having experienced this many years before on my right shoulder, with months of pain, limited use of my arm, and two surgical procedures, I knew I had to avoid going through that again. Fortunately, I found Dr. Charlie, and within 4 weeks my left shoulder was back to normal! I then challenged him with two chronic problems that have been plaguing me for years: the side effects from my right shoulder procedures, and neck pain with headaches. Once again, Dr. Charlie came through for me. He has given me the tools to tackle these problems as well. He’s the best!”
- Kim Haas
"I was told I needed knee surgery..." - Nope ;-)
- Knoa Knapper
treated by others for shin pain... but all along it was coming from my back

"I came to see Dr. Charlie because I was having pain in my right leg while running. He met with me and after talking, watching me run and doing some other exercises, decided to work on strengthening hip muscles and releasing my back. The exercises and stretches he had me do improved both my hip and lower back- plus I have no leg pain at all when running.”
- Kristin Cisick
repeat offender... for elbow pain caused by a problem in the neck!

"I came to Charlie for the second time after he successfully treated my back pain. This time I saw him for arm and neck pain. After giving me exercises and adjustments to help alleviate the pain, I am feeling great. I am able to run, do yoga, and work out. I have exercises and stretches to do that help when I feel any discomfort… and have made adjustments in posture, which have helped greatly thanks to Charlie."
- Kristin Cisick
rotator cuff tear- don't care...

"I came in with a diagnosed rotator cuff tear and a (somewhat ignored by spinal doctor) sharp pain in spine. Charlie was more in tune with the problems than doctors had been. The aching shoulder stopped keeping me awake and the stability of the joint improved. The spinal “hot spot” is currently gone. He seems to have a sixth sense of the whole being & listens to his gut instincts, which is a gift.”
- Leslie M.
She tried "everything"

"I came to Dr. Charlie in November 2016 suffering from sciatica pain for several years. After many sessions with chiropractors, pain management and other physical therapists- Dr. Charlie spent time and much effort to centralize my pain and teach me tools to correct the onset of pain so that it disappears. I am 100% satisfied with my results! Thank you!”
- Linda Costello
12 years of back pain- gone in 4 visits

“I struggled with lower back pain for 12 years. Doctors have x-rayed me and told me everything looks fine. I've tried Chiropractic, acupuncture, Reiki, yoga and massage to varying degrees of relief but nothing corrected the problem. A friend recently recommended Dr. Charlie. He listened to what I described and together we investigated what was going on. We worked out a series of exercises and simple adjustments to my daily life and within weeks I finally had relief. I am so very grateful to have found a healthcare practitioner who truly paid attention to me and was committed to figuring out what was going on.”
- Lizzie Vena
No more neck pain & sleeping like a baby...

Dr. Charlie Johnson is not only an excellent therapist but a great coach! I have recently recommended him to friends and family members. I had been experiencing neck pain for about 6 months. It had become so uncomfortable that I was waking up 6-8 times a night and taking ibuprofen constantly. My coach at the gym suggested physical therapy and put me in touch with Dr. Johnson. After my first therapy session, my symptoms began to improve. Dr. C. was able to quickly help determine the root cause of my neck pain and he prescribed a regimen of stretching and strengthening exercises that I can do at home. After a total of just 6 therapy sessions, I am sleeping through the night and almost completely free of any pain. I no longer require therapy and am confident that as I continue with prescribed exercise my strength and flexibility will continue to improve.”
- Lori Limper
Shoulder pain gone in 5 visits

I came to see Charlie with left shoulder pain - it felt as if I was carrying rocks in a shoulder bag.
After 5 visits with his hands on approach, as well as giving me exercises to do at home, I now go to
the gym four times a week for one and a half hours.
I have less pain, would say 80% improvement. I feel like I can tackle things with my left shoulder better than when I first came in.
I will recommend Charlie to my friends and shall return for his expertise.”
- Margaret Grant
Back and leg pain better in 3 sessions

"My wife and I went to a free workshop that Dr. Charlie hosted and took him up on his offer to give us a free evaluation. I went because I couldn't even sit in my car without chronic back pain. I was impressed that Dr. Charlie took the time (about an hour session each) needed not only to understand but also to educate me on why my back was malfunctioning. Three sessions later I am pain free! His excellence with heart definitely earns my five stars. Thanks for caring, Dr. Charlie!”
- Mark Orton
lucky to have had dr. johnson

“On January 3rd, while playing my son, I ruptured a disc on my lower vertebrate and landed in the hospital for 2 days. On January 6th, I stepped into the office of Dr. Charlie Johnson with the assistance of my wife, and a walker. I was 285lbs and compounding that with my back injury, I was in terrible pain. Painkillers were not helping as much as I’ve hoped. The pain, the injury, the weight, the lack of mobility and the thought that I would live with back pain for the rest of my life was just overwhelming. I came to Dr. Johnson with pain and not much hope. In fact, I believe one of my first questions that I asked Dr. Johnson after telling him my story was if I was going to be in pain for the rest of my life. The answer that he gave me not only lifted my spirits, but ignited a fire in me to go and get better. He spoke to me about case after case of people that recovered from the same injury that I had and that although everyone was different, he didn’t see a reason as to why I could not be part of the group that lived the rest of my life without pain.
This is how my journey began. I followed Dr. Johnson’s advice. I did the exercises. I asked questions. And every time he would give me an answer, I would use that to fuel me past the pain. Every time I told him that I didn’t want to do a particular exercise, he would just smile and tell me a different way to do the exercise to target the same muscle. With every visit, I would learn new things. From how to get out of bed (we went over this on my first visit), to how to put my socks on. And with every technique that he taught me, my ability to do things for myself just got better.
It was very difficult to get better. But here I am, almost two months later and I can honestly say that I’m a lucky person to have had Dr. Johnson see me and help me get better. I’ve lost 30lbs and changed my diet. I walk 3 to 4 miles per day. I do Yoga 2 times per week. And most importantly, I still do every single exercise Dr. Johnson recommended me to do every single day after every single one of my walks.
Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for showing a way to live my life that will help me continue my journey to a better me."
- Marvin Sanchez
one of the best doctors

"I came to the office in pain on the right shoulder joint, and pain in the neck. My neck was stiff and I couldn't move my shoulder.
Dr. Charles, with his special technical touch and his knowledge, helped me... He massaged my neck, gave me some exercises, and pressed exactly those spots I was feeling pain in.
I came to the office twice a week, and after 5 weeks, I feel 85% better. Dr. Charles also took care of my jaw, explaining that there is a connection between the neck and the jaw. I know that Dr. Charles is one of the best doctors who helped me. Thank you, Dr. Charles”
- Nava W.
Amazingly detailed in his treatment

"I was introduced to Charlie after a hip injury showed up when I was being treated post surgery on C3, C4, C5 & C6 (no fusion). He was amazingly detailed in his treatment, explaining the “where” and “why’s” of my pain.
We became a team and his program has me balanced – which is the greatest luxury for a senior!”
I just want to take an opportunity to express my appreciation for the program in my recuperation. Charlie (Dr. Johnson) has been thorough in determining the exact sources of my pain and patient in explaining the procedure for my exercises and application that already shows improvement.
Understanding the “why” and “how” gives me confidence and I am grateful to see the horizon of steadiness that is so important to my independence. Fear of falling is greatly diminished.
I have and will continue to recommend the experience with Charlie to anyone seeking quality physical therapy and interactive hands-on care.”
- Ona Harris
1.5 years of elbow pain gone in 4 weeks

"For about a year and a half I had severe elbow pain and scapular pain, and several years ago I was diagnosed with frozen shoulder. My pain radiated and made my elbow hurt so badly and my fingers tingled with pins and needles- I wasn't sure that anything but shots or surgery would help. Dr. C taught me posturing and raised my awareness about how to hold my neck and shoulders at work, through daily living, and during exercises that TOOK AWAY MY ELBOW PAIN COMPLETELY- and it only took one month… it works if you work it!”
- Rachael Yudt
Feeling much better- back to yoga and running

"I asked Charlie to help me get rid of my back pain in my lower back. He worked with me to figure out what muscles needed strengthened to better support my back, which would ultimately alleviate my pain. I performed the exercises and worked with him every week for a few months; and I'm very happy to say that the majority of my pain is gone. I've also been able to add running and yoga back into my life!”
- Renee Elsner
painfree & back to golf- in a flash!

"I had constant chronic elbow pain that literally kept me awake at night. Wearing an elbow brace and taking Aleve was a daily event.
Dr. C relieved the pain and numbness in my elbow in just a few sessions. What I thought was tennis elbow was actually a problem in my neck. Through the use of a few simple stretches and exercises, Dr. C was able to relieve all pain. Today, I am pain-free!"
- Rhonda Clifford
Better than before my back problem

“I came into Dr. Charlie after fighting a nagging lower back pain for the better part of a month. I originally injured my back doing work around the house one weekend and spent weeks trying to self diagnose and just assuming that the pain would eventually just go away. Something as minor as standing up from a seated position was creating extreme pain in my back. Finally I realized this wasn't going away on its own and I decided to reach out to Dr. Charlie. Within one visit Charlie had diagnosed what I did to my back and gave me some stretches to work on to help heal the back pain. A week later I felt about 90% better just from some stretching and self awareness of my posture that Charlie pointed out to me during my first visit. Over the next couple of visits he showed me some more exercises to incorporate and more techniques for proper bending, lifting, and even sitting! I'm now at the point of feeling almost exactly the way I did before the injury, if not better! Highly recommend anyone experiencing any type of back pain set up an appointment immediately and get on the road to recovery!”
- Richard Munns
No more medications

“I’ve just finished my 6th and likely last physical therapy session with Charles Johnson. When I started, I was experiencing fairly severe hip and leg pain – shooting pains that sometimes were strong enough that I couldn’t walk on my leg. Although my doctor had referred me because of hip pain, Charlie assessed that it was actually the result of stenosis, a diagnosis that made more sense to me in terms of the nature of the symptoms, experienced relief after the first session. Now, after six sessions, I am mostly pain free and easily able to handle any pain or discomfort I experience, I’ve gone from 8-10 ibuprofen per day to none.
Most importantly, working with Charlie was always a partnership. He was excellent at helping me understand my symptoms and the causes of them; always explained the reason for the exercises and procedures he used; was realistic in his approach to what I could/should do at home. He was encouraging/ compassionate, engaging, informative, and professional.
I am enormously appreciative of his work with me and unequivocally recommend him as a physical therapist.”
- Sally Weber
Strongly recommend for jaw pain or headaches

“I have had TMJ issues for over a year - jaw stiffness, neck pain, and headaches. I tried many different treatment options from night guards to acupuncture.
After visiting Charlie for physical therapy, I saw much improved jaw movement and less intensity in pain. I strongly recommend Charlie to people looking to get better. He is very knowledgeable and will help you fell the way you want to feel.”
- Sam G.
Driving without hip pain

“I came in with hip pain, to the point I would have to stop driving and get out of my truck and walk around before I could continue on my way home, and sometimes I would wake up at night with pain.
I also had a weak shoulder from an old injury that was never strengthened. With some exercises and better ergonomics I can drive for hours without needing a break- and I sleep like a baby. My strength has greatly improved overall.
Thanks Dr. Charlie”
- Steve Cook
in Full Control & painfree

"Charles Johnson was very helpful and took the time to thoroughly explain my TMJ condition.
With his help we got control of the situation and I am now pain-free.”
- Sunny H.
Dancing at my daughter's wedding

"For over a year I have been unable to walk more than 200 ft without having to stop and stretch to relieve the pain in my hip. I had been unsuccessfully treated for 4 months last year for trochanteric bursitis and osteoarthritis by my primary care doctor, an orthopedic surgeon, and many PTs. I decided to visit Charlie as a final attempt this summer to find out what was causing my pain and correct the problem.
At my evaluation, Charlie had me walk until I felt the pain. While watching me walk, he noticed that I had gait issues. He prescribed an exercise program and 6 treatment sessions. Happily, by the 5th session, I was dancing at my daughter’s wedding and am now hiking every day with our puppy.”
- Thomasina Bradbury
Back to shopping

"I came to see Dr. Charlie Johnson with a very swollen ankle in some pain. I cannot do my morning walks (which are very important to me). I also had to stop going to the gym. Shopping for food was very difficult - almost any time that I put pressure on my foot there was a problem.
After just 7 visits of working with Charlie I was able to go back to my routines - walking 2-3 miles every morning, going to the gym two times a week, shopping for necessities without pain.
I found Charlie very easy to work with. I would highly recommend him to anyone that needs
physical therapy.
Also, his personality is very easy-going. It makes you feel safe and cared for.
Get off the couch and give Charlie a call - you'll feel great getting out of pain.”
- Tori Adler
feeling stronger and more steady

As a ninety-five year old man, I was very short on endurance - a walk around the house left me breathless. Also I was very unsteady on my feet. I would lose my balance and fall and have great difficulty getting back on my feel.
Dr. Johnson, my physical therapist was most helpful with both my endurance and balance problems. Walking around my
house no longer leaves me breathless and I am much steadier with my balance. I no longer have to reach out to steady myself when I walk.
Dr. Johnson is a very pleasant person. His way of relating made difficult exercises bearable. I was impressed with the intelligence of his exercise selection and instruction. He is a good motivator. I wish him the best in the next phase of his career.”
- Zoltan G., PhD
PT- "Much Quicker, less expensive, less stressful"

"I encountered hip pain so severe I could not walk, sleep or stand due to spinal stenosis, arthritis and degenerative disc disease. I sought relief from medical doctors, but they failed to give any solution after prescribing tests, medications, x-rays, and MRI’s. Dr. Charlie guided me within five weeks to where I am no longer in constant pain, and I am able to resume normal activities.
Dr. Charlie took the time to listen and understand my pain issues and develop a remedy plan specific to my needs. I highly recommend Dr. Charlie and his PT skills above seeking relief through medical professionals. PT is much quicker, less expensive, less stressful.”
- Harry Chamberlain
Back Pain gone in 1 week

"I came to Charlie with a nagging back pain that was not getting better. Within just two sessions (one week period) my pain is gone and I am back to my normal lifestyle. Charlie also gave me some valuable advice to strengthen my back and knee and prevent future issues."
- Tarek H.
Committed to helping his patients

"Working with Charlie has been a great experience. My low back pain had been progressing for several years, and I had tried many different forms of treatment. I met Charlie at a back pain workshop, and I was impressed by his training and approach of no drugs, shots, or surgery. After just a few weeks, my back pain improved, and I was finally getting a good night's sleep. After about 2 months, I was feeling remarkably better. Charlie is very thorough and committed to helping his patients recover as quickly as possible. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking relief from pain."
- Kim Loesche