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Hip Pain And Arthritis Treatment Royersford, PA

Hip pain and arthritis can cause groin pain, buttock pain, outer hip pain, and even knee or shin pain. If you’re having trouble crossing your legs- or sitting indian style… then you might benefit from hip treatment to make you move and feel better…

Just the other day, a women came to me with buttock, knee, and shin pain- after she had been told it was coming from her lower back… she even had injections to her lower back- with NO RELIEF.

After listening to her story, and looking at how she moved, It was clear that all of her symptoms were caused by a problem in her hip- NOT her back… in fact, she had no back pain… had someone taken the time to listen- it was clear that she had no back problem.

When I asked- what do you feel is causing your problem- she said, “My Hip!”

Sad, but true…

Anyways, there are several common signs of hip arthritis… click the video to learn the 4 Telltale Signs…

Hip arthritis often sounds and feels like a problem coming from the back— you might even have a problem in the back and the hip!

But, if you’ve been treated for your back pain and nothing is working- consider that perhaps you have no problem in your back…

If you’re 50 years of age or older, and feel buttock, groin, or outer hip pain… even knee pain or shin pain- be aware that your hip could be the problem.

The hip can refer or send pain to all of these areas… many mistake a problem in the hip as a problem in the back… or even sciatica.

It can be easy to miss…

There are even stories of people who have knee replacements (get new knees) and afterwards feel no relief.  But when they later get treatment for their hip- or even a hip replacement- all their knee pain is gone…

Hip pain treatment is aimed at improving motion in the hip and then getting you stronger, so you can move better and get back to normal.  Many times a hip surgery/replacement is not needed. Physical therapy and specialized hip treatment can completely relieve your pain… cool stuff.

Anyways, if you’re in the Royersford, Limerick, Collegeville, or Phoenixville, PA area- call 484 552 3767 to figure out the cause of your buttock and groin pain.