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The Cause Of Dull, Achy, Annoying Pain In The Buttock, Hamstring, or Calf

There are two types of leg pain… REFERRED and RADIATING. leg pain… OR BOTH. One is Sciatica- the other is not… but they can feel similar and be felt in the same places- in the back, buttock, hamstring, or calf area.

Referred pain is just as it sounds… pain referred or signals sent from one place to another. So, in the spine- the structures like the joints and discs in the back can send pain signals to parts of the body (other than just the back) into the buttock and down the leg. Depending on which structure is irritated will determine where you feel your symptoms… Referred pain is “non specific” and LARGER in coverage than radiating pain. It is often described as deep and achy and hard to pin point exactly…

On the other hand- Radiating pain often involves irritation or compression of the nerve in the back… often termed as sciatica. Radiating pain takes a more specific path- and is often described as electric, shooting, or burning… you might even feel numbness or tingling.

And because a herniated DISC is the number one cause of SCIATICA many people have BOTH types of pain… which can be felt in the buttock, hamstring, or calf area.

The key to solving either of these is to understand the “TRIGGERS” or the activities, things, or positions that make your back, buttock, leg, or calf pain worse. Once you understand what makes it worse- you can often make it better.

Natural treatment involves using movement as medicine to move the spine and leg in ways that reduce pressure on painful structures allowing your body to heal.

I know- complicated right? Well, if you’re in the Royersford, Limerick, Collegeville, Phoenixville, or Trappe, PA area- and have questions about back pain treatment or need specialized physical therapy- call 484 552 3767 or email charliejohnsondpt@gmail.com

There’s A 90% Chance You Have Sciatica If You Have These 5 Things.

Do you or someone you know have sciatica?  OR do you THINK you have it? Most people think they have sciatica- when in actually they don't. Truth is, if you're dealing with some form of back, buttock, or leg pain- there's only a 4% chance that it's caused by sciatica. Despite what you've been told (and how it seems like everybody says they have sciatica) it's actually pretty rare. Keep reading or watch my video below to learn 5 telltale signs of sciatica, including one simple 30 second self-test to confirm if you have it. 

Now, sciatica is simply an irritation of the sciatic nerve as it runs from the back, down the back of the leg, into the foot. Causes include many things like herniated discs, piriformis syndrome, and spinal stenosis. Common telltale signs that you have a problem with the sciatica nerve (sciatica) include:

1-Feelings of Numbness, Tingling, Burning, Shooting down your leg

2-And these feelings travel down your leg in a very narrow path/band (usually 1-2 inches in width that can be traced with your finger down the back of your leg).

3-And your leg pain is now worse than you back pain.

4-And you have pain below the level of the knee (maybe even into the foot).

5-Stretching the sciatic nerve is painful, limited, or uncomfortable. (watch second half of video for self movement test)

If you've got all 5 of these signs- research shows that there is a greater than 90% chance that you have sciatica as the cause of your leg pain.​

The first step to relief is to find out what triggers your back pain, numbness, or tingling and modify or tweak those things.  The next step is to use specific movements to reduce irritation on the nerve. 

If sciatica is keeping you from doing the things you love (or just keeping you up at night) give us a call at 484-552-3767 and we can help get you back to normal.

Physical Therapy For Herniated Discs- The First Step Towards Natural Relief

Herniated Disc Treatment: Step One- A self question and answer quiz to help you get in touch with what’s going on and help you determine if you have the symptoms of a herniated disc… Knowing what could have caused your back pain, when it started and what makes it better/worse as well as where you’re feeling things- are all super important questions to know and understand.

Once we know the answers to these questions we can start to to get to the root cause of your back pain and begin treatment for you herniated disc and begin specific exercises to get you relief from your lower back pain.

Click the video below to learn how to start healing your own back..

If you live in the Philadelphia or King Of Prussia area- and are looking to get to the root cause of your pain naturally, over drugs, injections, or surgery…

Call 484 552 3767 to learn about our lower back pain treatment program.

Will My Herniated Disc Heal?

A common question people ask me (on a near daily basis) is- Can my herniated disc heal… or will I need surgery? The answer is a quick YES (meaning yes it can heal.. and NO you likely will not need surgery). This is great news- your body has an amazing ability to send specialized healing cells to the area that’s injured to help the tissue heal.

Truth is, your back is no different than a papercut… both get injured and both can heal. Now, I get it- having back pain is mysterious- most of the time we have no clue what brought it on… and even when we do- WE CAN’T SEE A THING! This can be scary… and leave us wondering what could be going on down there. In many cases- people get images to try and “figure out” what the issue is… Unfortunately- that rarely works… Why? Well, it’s been shown that there is little to no correlation between what is found on the image and what causes your pain. Who’s to say what was found on your x-ray or MRI wasn’t there 10 years ago… and you never knew about it until someone went searching for a problem.

Send your cell phone into the lab to be “swabbed” for germs… do you think they’ll find any? OF COURSE… same goes for your back. Now, do you go around worrying about all those germs… probably not. Your back is no different.

Most people can’t handle the truth (but I tell them anyways) that in many cases of lower back pain- we have no idea what the root cause it… meaning- we don’t know what’s going on.

Crazy, but true. So, if you’ve been told you have a herniated disc- take it with a grain of salt… and know that IF it actually is the source of your back pain- chances are high that it will heal up just fine within 3-6 months.

If you’re looking for quick relief- call us at 484 552 3767.

The Cause Of Lower Back Stiffness

While there are many causes of lower back pain- the single most common cause is a herniated, bulging, or slipped disc… however you want to say it, disc problems often cause central lower back stiffness. This stiffness often occurs after sitting, driving, or spending time in a bent over position AND then trying to stand up straight. You may feel resistance or some transitional pain. As you move- you feel better and the stiffness subsides.

Understanding what could be causing your stiffness can be key in treating it. Learning what makes it better and what makes it worse, along with specific exercises can give you relief from your lower back pain.

Call 484 552 3767 if you’ve got lower back stiffness that you’re looking to resolve.

The Truth About Medications & Injections For Back Pain- Royersford, PA

I’m seeing a trend… and I don’t care for it.

People getting injections for their back pain before they ever try physical therapy!  CRAZY… what’s the rush… why cut the lock when you could simply unlock the door… and walk inside?  In other words- why do more than necessary…

Quick, but funny real-life story that I think helps represent how crazy getting injections as the first line of defense for back pain really is…

So about 3 months ago, I was pulling a late night in the clinic… it was a long day and I was tired.  I was closing up shop… and locked my clinic keys inside the clinic…  I had no car keys, and from what I could recall… no spare set of clinic keys.  I was screwed…

I called my wife Heather annoyed, and she came to the clinic with a “So what are we going to do?” type attitude.  First things first, I asked- “Do you just so happen to have a spare set of keys.”  NOPE- was her response…

I said- okay then, we can try the old credit card trick, maybe a bobbie pin to pick the lock, or I’ll pry/cut the handle off (cheaper than calling a locksmith at that time of night… plus, I needed in… and had a full schedule starting at 7 the next morning).

To make a long story short… nothing worked.. and so I began prying the door handle apart… it was my last resort.

Halfway into the process, handle half ripped to shreds…  my wife says- “Oh, wait- I HAVE A KEY…”

And just like that, she opened the door.

WHATTTTT- I sat there in disgust trying to channel my energy and find the fun in it…

Eventually we laughed at the silly mistake…

AND NOW- looking back, I think of how unnecessary all that was…

Why would anyone in there right mind know that they could simply “unlock” the door, but instead choose to break the handle off?!  HAHA

They wouldn’t… or at least I hope not.

Point being, going to injections as your first step to manage your back pain.. is like breaking the door handle off before trying the key (physical therapy)…

Make sense?

I have a couple issues with and injections for back pain…

  1. They only work for 2/3 people
  2. They cause your blood sugar to spike
  3. They hurt like heck (at least that’s what people tell me)
  4. They’re expensive
  5. You’re relying on someone to “fix you”
  6. They offer only temporary relief
  7. They act like a bandaide

Of all these issues… the fact that injections act like a bandaide and cover up the symptoms is a MAJOR PROBLEM…

This leaves many people feeling good temporarily… and they keep lifting, sitting, bending, and twisting all the ways that got them there in the first place…

And then… people wonder why their back pain COMES BACK?  It’s a no-brainer… in fact, people should expect it to…

I created a short video that chats about why meds and injections are mostly USELESS in the treatment of back pain (if you actually want to solve the root cause).


So, if you’re scheduled for an injection… and are looking for the best solution for your back pain… call 484 552 3767 or email me directly at charliejohnsondpt@gmail.com

Also, if you know of anyone who’s suffering with back pain… and thinks injections are “all that can be done”… could you share this post with them?

Thanks a million,

Dr. Charlie Johnson, DPT



Hip Pain And Arthritis Treatment Royersford, PA

Hip pain and arthritis can cause groin pain, buttock pain, outer hip pain, and even knee or shin pain. If you’re having trouble crossing your legs- or sitting indian style… then you might benefit from hip treatment to make you move and feel better…

Just the other day, a women came to me with buttock, knee, and shin pain- after she had been told it was coming from her lower back… she even had injections to her lower back- with NO RELIEF.

After listening to her story, and looking at how she moved, It was clear that all of her symptoms were caused by a problem in her hip- NOT her back… in fact, she had no back pain… had someone taken the time to listen- it was clear that she had no back problem.

When I asked- what do you feel is causing your problem- she said, “My Hip!”

Sad, but true…

Anyways, there are several common signs of hip arthritis… click the video to learn the 4 Telltale Signs…

Hip arthritis often sounds and feels like a problem coming from the back— you might even have a problem in the back and the hip!

But, if you’ve been treated for your back pain and nothing is working- consider that perhaps you have no problem in your back…

If you’re 50 years of age or older, and feel buttock, groin, or outer hip pain… even knee pain or shin pain- be aware that your hip could be the problem.

The hip can refer or send pain to all of these areas… many mistake a problem in the hip as a problem in the back… or even sciatica.

It can be easy to miss…

There are even stories of people who have knee replacements (get new knees) and afterwards feel no relief.  But when they later get treatment for their hip- or even a hip replacement- all their knee pain is gone…

Hip pain treatment is aimed at improving motion in the hip and then getting you stronger, so you can move better and get back to normal.  Many times a hip surgery/replacement is not needed. Physical therapy and specialized hip treatment can completely relieve your pain… cool stuff.

Anyways, if you’re in the Royersford, Limerick, Collegeville, or Phoenixville, PA area- call 484 552 3767 to figure out the cause of your buttock and groin pain.

Herniated Disc Back Pain Treatment Testimonial- Royersford, PA

As a physical therapist, one of the things I enjoy is helping people get back to normal.  Meet Mark- Mark began having back pain from a herniated disc several months before coming to my office- we actually met at one of my free back pain workshops in Royersford, PA. While his back pain had begun to improve, he started to have pain in the back of his left leg.  His leg bothered him when he sat too long, and especially if he tried to touch his toes or run…  After 4 weeks and 2 visits he was 95% improved…

Here we are…

Here is what he had to say about his physical therapy experience in Royersford, PA.

My wife and I went to a free workshop that Dr. Charlie hosted and took him up on his offer to give us a free evaluation. I went because I couldn’t even sit in my car without chronic back pain. I was impressed that Dr. Charlie took the time (about an hour session each) needed not only to understand but also to educate me on why my back was malfunctioning. Three sessions later I am pain free! His excellence with heart definitely earns my five stars. Thanks for caring, Dr. Charlie!

Mark had a condition (herniated disc resulting in scarring down of the nerve) that caused the sciatic nerve in the back of his leg to become very limited in motion- causing tightness and pain in the back of his leg when sitting, bending over, or stretching his leg. It was originally caused by a herniated disc in his lower back that occurred after a long car ride (lots of sitting and slouching).  While his back pain was much improved by the time he saw me- the healing of his disc caused his nerve to scar down- leaving it with less motion and feelings of tension in the back of his leg.

Through some gentle stretching and exercises for his sciatic nerve and lower back- he’s now able to run, sit, and touch his toes- PAINFREE.

If you’ve got lower back pain or leg pain (sciatica) and you live in Royersford, Limerick, Phoenixville, Collegeville, King of Prussia, or Philadelphia- call 484 552 3767 to get to the root cause, and to start feeling better today.


The Real Cause Of Lower Back Pain- Physical Therapy Royersford, PA

One of the most common questions I get when people with lower back pain come to see me for physical therapy is “So what’s causing my lower back pain?”

Watch this video to learn the REAL cause of lower back pain…

And the truth is- all lower back pain (or any pain for that matter) is created by the BRAIN.  Meaning- pain is an experience created by the brain to protect you from some perceived threat or danger.  In other words, a problem in the back isn’t really the cause of your lower back pain… it’s just that the signals from the back are being sent to the brain- where the brain is processing them to be painful. Now, don’t think for a second that I’m trying to tell you that you’re lower back pain isn’t real.. or that “it’s all in your head”- NOT TRUE…

Get this… Pain is normal.

Pain is an experience created by the brain to protect you from threatening situations and injury.

Even if no problems exist in your body, nerves, or immune system…you may still feel pain if the brain thinks you are in danger.

Simply put, without your brain, you feel no pain.

Think of your brain and the pain you experience as your alarm system…

In everyday life, you have a “normal” threshold for pain – as your nerves buzz around happily waiting to react to whatever your body feels.

So your alarm system is set and ready to go. Your nerves are just buzzing along waiting to be stimulated…

If you hit your finger with a hammer, it hurts like heck, but eventually after several hours/days, it calms down to where it was before.

Now, imagine you’ve had lower back pain for a long time…it’s likely that your alarm system has become extra sensitive leaving you with little room for you to do things before your alarm systems goes off.

When we are not in pain and life is grand, it takes a lot for your alarm system to go off — just like a car’s alarm when you have to break the windows in order to set the alarm off.

Now, when your body’s been in pain for some time, the alarm system becomes extra sensitive — Instead of having to break and bash the windows before the alarm goes off, a leaf blower goes by and your alarm goes berserk!

Simply put… your body’s alarm system becomes sensitive and leaves little room to move and do things without feeling lower back pain.

Important Point: Pain does not equal damage or injury…it is simply an experience created by the brain when it thinks your body is in danger.

Imagine you get a paper cut…

Wouldn’t you be worried if the pain stuck around for months?

Sure you would, because normally the pain goes away in minutes to hours.

Then what makes your back any different?

Most people live with lower back pain for years…yet this simply couldn’t be caused by a simple injury to your lower back muscles or disc.


All tissues in your body heal, including the muscles, ligaments, discs and nerves in your lower back within about 3-6 months.

When pain lasts longer than 3-6 months or becomes chronic and lasts for years, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong with your back or your back didn’t heal properly, it simply means that your alarm system is sensitive…and for some reason, your brain still senses danger.

Think about when you get a bruise and are not aware of it…

As long as your brain doesn’t sense danger, you won’t feel pain.

Another Point: You’re not crazy…pain is very real.

BUT remember, pain is an experience…

We’ve all heard about the crazy stories of people who are injured and feel absolutely no pain.

Picture the soldier injured in war who continues to run in order to save his life.

OR the man who had his arm trapped in between two rocks and cut his own arm off in order to escape the wilderness and survive. Yikes… but a true story.

On a more basic, less extreme level…think about the pain someone would feel if they hurt their back while running across a busy highway versus getting out of a chair.

I’d be willing to bet that the person running across the highway feels much less pain than the person who’s getting out of the chair.

So, situation can impact pain.

Other things that can change your pain experience include emotions, beliefs, sleep, your job, or your pain memories… just to mention a few.

Emotions: People who feel sad or worried often feel more pain. People who are happy and relaxed generally feel less pain.

Beliefs: Growing up, some people were taught to be afraid of pain or that pain is bad. Others were taught to “get up and brush it off.” Depending on your beliefs about pain you may feel more or less pain.

Sleep: People with good sleep habits generally feel less pain. I recommend 8 hours of sleep per night. Restful sleep has been shown to decrease the sensitivity of your alarm system.

Job: People who have stressful jobs and are unhappy with their careers often experience more pain compared to those who enjoy their work.

Memories: If your back was injured in a car accident…just thinking about driving could make your pain worse. Pain memories can be powerful.

Now, you should be asking yourself, “How do I calm my alarm system down?”

First things first, in order to calm your alarm system down, we need to review a few key points:

Point Number 1: Understand that pain does not equal harm.

Just because you feel pain doesn’t mean anything serious is wrong…it just means you’re alive and your alarm system is on high alert, that’s all! Your back heals itself in 3-6 months, but your alarm system might still be sensitive.

Point Number 2: Pain does not equal gain. Remember, even though pain is created by the brain, which can sometimes cause your alarm system to become extra sensitive…even when everything has healed, it is very real. And you should still listen to it.

Okay, now that you understand these two big points, here’s how you can begin decreasing the pain that you experience…

Respect pain and listen to it, but do not fear it.

Again, pain is normal…sometimes the brain gets a little confused and senses pain incorrectly.

Sometimes the brain senses pain incorrectly OR it thinks there is actually something dangerous when really everything is just fine.

Gentle movement and exercise helps relieve pain and release chemicals that soothe nerves and calm down your alarm system.

Choose a form of exercise you enjoy…walking, biking, or swimming are all great options.

Slowly increase the amount of time you exercise week by week. Exercise up until the point you start to experience your pain, then stop. If you stick with it, you should notice that you are able to do a bit more week by week with less pain.

Okay, so this is really going to make you think…

Recent research has clearly shown that there is little to no relationship between the issues found on an X-ray or MRI and the pain you feel in your lower back.

That is to say, just as many people with pain have bulging discs as those who have absolutely no pain at all.

The same goes for things like spinal stenosis.

Wrapping things up here…

  • Understanding your pain will be super helpful in getting back to normal and living a healthy, pain-free life.
  • Pain is normal and is caused by so much more than just injury… it is an experience that can be made better or worse by many things in life.
  • Even though pain is created by the brain, it is still very real, and is our body’s way of protecting us.
  • Sometimes our brain can become confused and cause us to feel pain even after our body is healed…in other words, our body’s alarm system becomes extra sensitive.
  • By understanding pain, changing the way you think about pain, and regularly exercising…you begin to reset your alarm system and your pain experience.

If you’ve given up hope- and have lower back pain in the Royersford, Collegeville, Phoenixville, King of Prussia, OR Philadelphia areas- call 484 552 3767 for specialized lower back pain treatment.




Royersford, PA- Severe Back Pain Vanished In 5 Weeks…

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with a man named Harry from Collegeville, PA.  Harry is an awesome guy who enjoyed riding his motorcycle, taking care of his lawn, and doing things with his family. That was until his back and hip pain became so severe he could barely sleep, let alone enjoy being outdoors. In fact, on father’s day he had to “call it quits” because he couldn’t tolerate moving around.  He had expensive MRI’s, injections, and other treatments that weren’t giving him relief.  He had yet to try physical therapy and specialized back pain treatment… until one day he decided he had HAD ENOUGH…

After 5 visits of treatment to his lower back, including hands on manual therapy, specific back pain exercises, and back pain education- He just sent me a text… “Charlie, motorcycle trip went without incident…”  Pretty Cool- NO PAIN!  Harry’s back to living life without the constant thought of lower back pain… and he’s way more in control of his back pain- so that he can keep it from coming back.

Meet Harry- at my physical therapy clinic in Royersford, PA… where we specialize in treating lower back pain… (see the other happy campers on the wall behind him)

Here’s what Harry had to say about his physical therapy experience… Right here in Royersford, PA

“I encountered hip pain so severe I could not walk, sleep or stand due to spinal stenosis, arthritis and degenerative disc disease. I sought relief from medical doctors, but they failed to give any solution after prescribing  tests, medications, x-rays, and MRI’s. Dr. Charlie guided me within five weeks to where I am no longer in constant pain, and I am able to resume normal activities.

Condition Remedy Outcome
Severe Left Hip Pain Stretches and strength exercises. Able to resume everyday activities within 3 visits.
Pain prohibited sleep due to discomfort Understand the contributing factors to pain and use knowledge tools to reduce pain. Able to get comfortable lying in bed after three visits. I now know how to reduce or eliminate the pain through stretches.
Unable to sit in car or chair Use of proper seat adjustment and back supports to reduce pain. Able to drive and sit without discomfort within three weeks.
Walking short distances, unable to go far. Use exercise and stretches to relieve pain After three office visits, I can walk without restrictions.


Dr. Charlie took the time to listen and understand my pain issues and develop a remedy plan specific to my needs. I highly recommend Dr. Charlie and his PT skills above seeking relief through medical professionals.  PT is much quicker, less expensive, less stressful.”

-Harry Chamberlain

If you have back pain and are looking for back pain treatment and specialized physical therapy treatment in Royersford, Collegeville, Phoenixville, Limerick, King of Prussia, OR Philadelphia, PA- call 484 552 3767 or email charliejohnsondpt@gmail.com.

Happy Healing,

Dr. Charlie Johnson, PT