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How To Relieve Lower Back Pain And Sciatica While Sitting OR Driving In King Of Prussia, PA

Many people with lower back pain or sciatica have pain driving or sitting for too long. In this case, it's helpful to understand why you might be feeling what you're feeling. Watch this video below to learn why most people have back pain when sitting or driving, what 10 second microstretch you could be doing to completely eliminate your pain (and allow you to stand up without being hunched over), and simple DIY changes you can make today to feel immediate lower back pain and sciatica relief.  Click the video below to watch...

If you have lower back pain only, start to tweak or modify your sitting position- to see if you can change your lower back pain or leg pain.You could do this first by either slouching or sitting up super tall (rocking pelvis forward so you create an extreme arch in your lower back). You should then ask yourself- do things feel same, better or worse. If slouching makes things feel better- move your seat one inch closer and keep doing that. If slouching makes you feel worse- then try sitting up super tall... and see what that does... IF this helps- do more of this- consider adding a lower back support (small towel roll) behind your lower back while driving. You could also try sitting on a wedge, or tilting the front of your seat down. "Bucket seats" in many cars will cause your knees to be positioned slightly higher than your hips- which often causes your pelvis to rock backwards- resulting in you slouching.  Sitting on a wedge or tilting the front of the seat slightly down will help to lessen this.   What you'll often find is that changing the position of your spine will change either your back or leg symptoms. If this is the case- GREAT... you've found a switch.  

As we know- if something is REPRODUCIBLE it is likely RE-DUCIBLE...​

If you primarily have leg pain while you sit (but especially as you drive- because of how your legs may be extended to push on the gas/break...) then you may benefit from doing a couple things. First, move your seat one to two inches closer, or sit on a soft surface (you may find that the surface is a main issue... as sitting may be causing compression/too much pressure on the sensitive structures caused by nerve irritation...In either scenario- the idea is to tweak what bothers you- to see if you can change symptoms or pain... ideally you find a position that gives you relief... so that your pain and problem can start to calm down AND so that you can stop aggravating it every time you need to sit or drive.

Also, consider that movement is your medicine.  You should understand that sitting and driving puts you most often in a bent or "flexed" forward position.  Many times the spine and nerves can become sensitive to this position and need more of the opposite... and upright or "extended" position.

To apply this concept- try doing 10 standing backbends (I call this a microstretch) before, during, and immediately after driving or sitting for an extended period of time.  While sitting- use a small towel roll shoved behind your lower back (at the level of the belt line) to keep you up tall​.  Every hour- be sure to stand up and take your medicine (10 backbends).  This will likely help reduce the stiffness you feel when going from a sitting to standing position.  Be sure to end the routine with 10 more backbends after you've gotten up.

Hope this helps.​

If you're located in the Collegeville, Royersford, Limerick, Phoenixville, or King Of Prussia area and are struggling with lower back pain or sciatica- but can't seem to find relief... call 484-552-3767 now to speak with a Back Pain & Sciatica Specialist.

What Hip Arthritis Feels Like- Royersford, PA Physical Therapy

I’ve seen it many times… buttock pain and leg pain treated as if it were a problem in the back… when actually it was a problem in the hip.. ALL ALONG. Hip arthritis is a problem that occurs within the hip joint- causing gradual hip stiffness, pain with sitting or at night, pain with walking or going up the stairs, and groin pain, buttock pain, OR sometimes knee and shin pain.

In a past video post- I discuss some of the telltale signs of hip arthritis… Watch it by clicking below.

Hip Pain And Arthritis Treatment Royersford, PA

.Weakness in the hip muscles can create the hip muscles to become overworked… these hip muscles can send pain down the outside of the leg, into the shin, and even as far as the outer ankle bone. These muscles in the hip have been known to create a “pseudo” OR fake sciatica like pain… that even some of the best PTs and surgeons THINK is really coming from the back…

I treated one lady recently- who went all over town for her chronic buttock pain…  she tried chiropractic care, physical therapy, had injections to her back, and was even recommended SURGERY- on her back! …  BUT when we saw her- it was clear that the problem was actually coming from her hip.

Here’s what she had to say…

“For over a year I have been unable to walk more than 200 ft without having to stop and stretch to relieve the pain in my hip. I had been unsuccessfully treated for 4 months last year for trochanteric bursitis and osteoarthritis by my primary care doctor, an orthopedic surgeon, and many PTs. I decided to visit Charlie as a final attempt this summmer to find out what was causing my pain and correct the problem.
At my evaluation, Charlie had me walk until I felt the pain. While watching me walk, he noticed that I had gait issues. He prescribed an exercise program and 6 treatment sessions. Happily, by the 5th session, I was dancing at my daughter’s wedding and am now hiking every day with our puppy.”  Thomasina

Pretty crazy that this was missed all along…

But, if you know the signs to look out for- then it can be easy to tell the difference between a problem coming from the back and/or from hip arthritis.

Click the blue link below to learn about what types of feelings hip arthritis causes.

What Hip Arthritis Feels Like

If you’ve been dealing with buttock, hip, or leg pain, and everyone’s treating your back- thinking it’s the cause of the problem… and no one has really LOOKED closely at the hip joint- AND you’re not SOLD that your back is the issue- or even worse- have been telling everyone… It’s not coming from my back (but no one will listen)…  I hope this post helps you.

If you’re in the Royersford, PA area and think you may have hip arthritis- call 484 552 3767 OR email me directly at charliejohnsondpt@gmail.com…